Production of nanopowders: Safe by Design

The first production line for the synthesis of nanopowders

Silicon based nanopowders by laser pyrolysis at Nanomakers,

operational since January 2012 at its site in Rambouillet. It has a production capacity at industrial scale and reaches already 40 tons per year of production.

Nanomakers already prepared for increased customer demand through productivity investments (installation of an automated transfer and packaging system, nanopowder granulation process).

A continuous production of nanopowders

thanks to the transfer and packaging system

Nanomakers has set up a nanopowder transfer system right out of the reactor to the packaging stations in order to optimize production time and facilitate the work of operators.

Thanks to this system, we are able to pack nanopowders in industrial quantities.

A production of nanopowders under control

thanks to the principle of Safe by Design

In the absence of regulation of manufacturing, transportation, storage and use of nanoparticles, we have put in place the highest level of control and procedures around these products.

Indeed, we have the experience of CEA in sensitive materials handling procedures and controls. Nanomakers has adopted the precautionary principle in dealing with these products as if they were potentially dangerous and prevent all risks.

The manufacturing process at Nanomakers is completely contained in order to avoid any contact between the nanopowders and people and the environment: this is one of the principles of « Safe by design ».

This « Safe by design » principle is the essence of production line at Nanomakers.

The application of this principle involves several aspects:

The gas stockage zone is under permanent control with our supplier.

The checking of all installations before the production is very strict.

A performant system of alerts preventing all potential risks in the production zone.

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Quality & « No contact » Packaging

Laser pyrolysis