Synthesis method: Laser pyrolysis

Laser pyrolysis, the synthesis method of nanopowders

Used at Nanomakers, it can produce nanopowders at industrial scale.

Laser pyrolysis consists in decomposing in continuous way the gaseous materials by a laser beam. The know-how and the technology patented by CEA masteres the process at pilot scale. Nanomakers then bring this technology into the industrial scale to elaborate innovative nanopowder.

Laser pyrolysis:

a nanopowders synthesis technology which makes the difference


Laser pyrolysis was developed following an original and patented concept at the CEA. The principle is based on the interaction between a laser beam and the reactants in a reactor.

The energy transfer causes the decomposition of the reagents in the form of atomic radicals which recombine together to form particles immediately. Particle growth is mastered by a controlled quenching effect.

This technology has been extensively compared against competing processes. It has a clear superiority in terms of product quality, industrial capacity, robustness and reliability.

The properties of nanopowders produced by Laser pyrolysis are unique:

Homogeneity: very narrow particle size distribution

Purity: very low oxygen content, very few metallic impurities

Reproducibility: consistency of product specifications from batch to batch, continuous operation and high yields

Customized production capacity and customization on particles: grain size, particle’s surface modification (coating, etc.)

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Production of nanopowders